Penetration test: IT security analyses on the highest level

Pentest: State-of-the-Art in IT System Intrusion

What do we mean by a penetration test (short: pentest)?

We assess the IT security level in your company from two different perspectives: SySS security tests comprise the connection of the internal network with the internet as well as the specific internal infrastructure, thereby covering the most possible range of attack scenarios.

The penetration test: Reason for Founding

SySS and penetration testing are inseparably linked. In 1998, the penetration test was the reason for the foundation of SySS. Today, we are market leader in Germany as well as in Europe in this field. This is why we focus on high-quality penetration testing with highest quality since we started.

The purpose of a penetration test

Which outcomes will be achieved by a penetration test? 

  • Prevent hacker attacks and system intrusions.
  • Protect valuable company data and knowledge.
  • Save time and reduce costs in tracing and tracking potential hacker attacks.
  • Remain in control over your IT system.

Pentest design

The following diagram illustrates the modular structure according to which we conduct a penetration test. The approach is documented in detail in our White Paper.

SySS White Paper

In-depth information about penetration testing and about our way of proceeding

A portrait of SySS Managing Director Sebastian Schreiber

You are interested in a penetration test?

We will ensure that you are being taken care of.
Gizem Düzgün will gladly arrange an appointment for you with one of our sales consultants.

A portrait of your contact person Gizem Düzgün


Gizem Düzgün 
+49 7071 407856-6237

You have a short-term demand?

We also offer penetration tests without any lead time. At the customer's request, the project can begin (kick-off meeting) on the day of commissioning, with testing activities then starting a maximum of three days later. Agile penetration testing always takes place remotely and implies that no complex preparation is required.


Together with you, we discuss and plan the execution of the test in detail.

Test modules

Analysis of the selected test objects/modules.


For each project carried out, you will receive a detailed written documentation. In this test report, we present the test results as well as a description of the test procedure and the tested objects. Therefore, the documentation serves as a comprehensive basis for the elimination of vulnerabilities. In a two-step quality assurance process, the report is reviewed for technical and linguistic accuracy.


If required, we will present our results to you and your colleagues or superiors.


Given the dynamic nature of IT systems and networks, security risks and gateways change over time. Hence, a penetration test is only a snapshot of the current security standard. If required changes are implemented in response to a penetration test, we strongly recommend an follow-up examination. We thereby determine the security impact of implemented changes on your system and check whether there are any remaining or potential new issues.


Analysis of, e.g., your IP address ranges that are accessible via the internet or selected internal systems 


Testing of your web application from various attacker perspectives


Detailed analysis of your offered web services (e.g., SOAP, REST)


Analysis of your systems from the local network, e.g., "the cleaning staff/intern scenario", client, VLAN, Active Directory analysis, testing of production systems and critical infrastructure


Security analysis for Voice-over-IP and Unified Communication .


Analysis of your SAP ERP environments


Assessment of client-side vulnerabilities to targeted attacks from the internet


Test of your WLAN infrastructure


In-depth security test of mobile apps and devices (e.g., iOS, Android) as well as mobile device management solutions


Analysis of your AWS or Azure environment incl. audit of configuration and penetration test 


Individual laboratory tests: firmware, hardware and device testing, Internet of Things (IoT) product testing


Security analysis of your operational technology


Individual software tests


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